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Chem Mixerz
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Significance of the Scientific Background of Air Pressure
Ever wonder what significance anything to do with air pressure has in your life? In my experiences (prior to my first year in high school...
Sink or Float?
Basic gas laws rule how gas particles to change behavior based on internal pressure, external pressure, temperature and volume.When heat...
Gas Laws Infographic
Explore the Gas Laws with this infographic! This is a great study guide to help remember how to use the gas laws. Take advantage of how...
Hulk, SMASH!
Crrrunch. It’s the satisfactory sound we all know of crushing a pop can in your fist. All it takes is a little muscle, but can science...
Crushing Chemistry
In chemistry we have been learning about the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) and different gas laws! To learn the concept we completed a...
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