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Chem Mixerz
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Surface Tension of Water Vs. Mineral Oil
Suppose someone were to walk up to you and strike a question - a question that you’d first think, “Well it’s obvious. The answer is...
Who Knew?
Who knew it all got so much more complex? No one. That is the answer, so here's a cheat sheet. IMF or intermolecular forces are what...
What's the Deal With Pop Rocks?
Ever since Pop Rocks have been introduced to the candy market in 1995, they have mystified children and candy eaters alike with the...
Taste the Explosion
Explosions tend to attract everyone’s attention. Whether it’s the next big action movie, or a pop bottle full of mentos everyone loves...
Little Guys In Motion
Gases are made up of many little molecules that are constantly in motion. When these little guys bounce around off of the walls of a...
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