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Chem Mixerz ©
The glass is always full.

Check out the older posts here:

Welcome To KMT Town
Here we are in Kinetic Molecular Theory Town! It’s just called “KMT Town,” by its residents, whom we like to call “molecules”. There are...

Let's Do the Math!
Today we are going to test your math skills and apply them to chemistry. Sounds fun right?!?! Below is a data table with the information...

Which are You?
Day 22: Somehow we have made it this far. We believe it due to the gas law keeping us going every day now. The ideal gas law is saving...

An Explanation of Hot Air Balloons
Ever wanted to finally grasp the concepts of how hot air balloons do the “balloon thing”? All throughout growing up, it was probably...
How Water Works
Intermolecular forces (IMFs) are the forces of attraction between molecules (where as intramolecular forces are the bonds between atoms...

Super Slueths
Thinking of being a forensic chemist? Let’s see if you’ve got the chops! Here’s the set-up: You need to identify which acid you are...

Let It Snow!
Why do snowflakes have six sides? Now you know that all snowflakes have six sides because of hydrogen bonding!

Surface Tension of Water Vs. Mineral Oil
Suppose someone were to walk up to you and strike a question - a question that you’d first think, “Well it’s obvious. The answer is...

Who Knew?
Who knew it all got so much more complex? No one. That is the answer, so here's a cheat sheet. IMF or intermolecular forces are what...

What's the Deal With Pop Rocks?
Ever since Pop Rocks have been introduced to the candy market in 1995, they have mystified children and candy eaters alike with the...
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